Jenna Muscarella is an artist and art educator, native to Alton, IL. She is a graduate of the University of Kansas, Bachelors of Art Education, concentrating in painting. She studied and experienced life in Kansas and South Texas–to return twelve years later to her hometown.
As a public school art educator, Jenna has spent the past ten years teaching kindergarten through higher education. She is a resident artist of Soulard Art Gallery in St. Louis, MO and Jacoby Arts Center in Alton, IL. She also juries, curates, and installs exhibits in the St. Louis metro area and in Illinois.
Jenna focuses on preserving the past, with her “Objects of Nostalgia” paintings. These large-scale acrylic and acrylic ink canvas works, display organic brushstrokes and capture movement. This visible brushstroke evokes the energy of objects that hold memories, history, and emotions.
She emphasizes a preservation of the past, creating souvenirs that resonate deeply, Objects of Nostalgia.
Jenna visually examines memories, history, and experiences. Art is a visual record of our human experience, necessary to be safeguarded.